Thursday, December 15, 2022

Invisible daughter

 A song for my invisible daughter.

Beautiful child how do you look, i dont care.

I care for the unexpressed love you share. 

Oh what you are seeking is seeking you, 

you are the one chosen from the few.

 I am not with you cause how you looked, or how you cooked.

 i am with you for who you are, very close yet afar.

 You are there and thats what matters, a soul ful peaceful voice amongst the chatters.

A silent strength and a calm resolve, 

lets all pain dissolve. a invisible strength a invisible thought. 

that i appreciate a lot....

I may never see you nor hear from you

but I feel your whispers carrasing me

The divine hum of wind shaking the tree

Child its not required to see you

as our souls are entwined through eternity

connected by millions of fibres

we are connected by same charge and same electricity.

Friday, September 30, 2022



When setting out on a journey do not seek advice from someone who never left home. – Rumi

Life itself is a journey
With no mile stone
Journey starts from a womb
and ends at the tomb stone. 

The most difficult journey
Is the journey within
Where there is no road map
And the margin of error  thin.

We all are on a journey
Which has no definite end
But for a seasoned traveler
Races are won around the bend

The Journey becomes easy
If we leave the baggage of past 
Can maneuver tough terrains
And reach the destination fast.
..Vasant Khisty

We are travelers on a constant journey and we are on various journeys at one time. Some journeys are out side some within. The journey itself is a goal as there is no final destination. 

Wednesday, September 28, 2022



A smile is a curve that puts everything straight. Phyllis Diller

 Formation of face muscles
That is called a smile
Is a medicine itself 
That calms down your bile.

Smile is infectious
And can infect a person in gloom
It takes away the thorns of pain
And is  like seeing the flower bloom.

 Nothing that you wear
Is more beautiful then smile
 Clothes may go out of fashion
 Smile will always be in style

A smile is a face lift
and lifts every one around 
Its the music to the sunken soul 
Plays without any sound. 

Vasant Khisty

Smile is the gift of God which is a great healer. It heals the man smiling and the person who receives it.

Friday, September 23, 2022



Little souls find their way to you, whether they are from your womb or someone else's- Sheryl Crow.

What makes you a parent
not the ability to make child
 But to raise one 
Its the soul that matters 
Whether it is a daughter or son.

Biological children are  coincidence
and it takes a big heart 
To see a child as a soul and
 Accept a flesh which is not your part.

Parenthood requires love 
And DNA is just a code
Parenting is an attitude
And every child is a blessing bestowed.

A child has adopted me too
And she is not bone of my bone
Nor she is flesh of my flesh
But she is miraculously my own.

Vasant Khisty

It is just not the parent adopting a child but a child also adopting a parent. Its a process of mutual evolution of a feeling of a parent and a child. 

Tuesday, September 20, 2022



 “A daisy blooming in a desert is worth more than a rose blossoming in a rainforest.” – Mashona Dhimaya

In the desert of our life 
spread  with animal carcass
With eagle hovering over head
The only friend is a cactus.

Look at the cactus
If in the desert it can survive
The message is very clear 
In any place we can also thrive.

When there is no water in soil
Cactus finds it in the air
Flowers bloom amidst the thorns
Hope is what it shares. 

When the things go tough
Character tough like cactus bloom
They find their source of survival
And for regrets they have no room.

Vasant Khisty

Cactus is a product of tough environment with a rough surface and a soft core. Though they may have thorns but flowers too grow on them showing that even rough people can smile

Saturday, September 17, 2022



When spiders web unite they can tie up a lion.

I sat in my room 
sulking with gloom 
Then I saw a spider bunjee jumping
From a silky thread it was hanging.

I saw the spider 
tirelessly spinning a net
Preparing for a opportunity
To catch an insect.

And I thought to myself
Nothing falls in lap without effort
And I got up from my slumber
As success lies outside comfort.

The spider works tirelessly to create a web in which a insect is trapped. Its like preparing for an opportunity to pass by and get trapped. Nothing ever is ever achieved by any one without putting effort. 

Thursday, September 15, 2022

My Tiffin my life line


I am tiffin, I carry your mothers love and smile of your friends

Hey I am your friend tiffin
I don't carry just your food
Its the unseen love I carry
That makes it taste so good.

Don't judge me by my size
but what it can pack in
I carry what your soul needs
Though I may be made of plastic or tin.

I travel distances
some times with you or alone
When done eating me 
In the sink I am mercilessly thrown.

I am that piece of bread and onion
The hungry farmer relishes
The sight of wife carrying his tiffin
is the moment he cherishes.

I have thanklessly served  you 
In every phase of your life
I have carried care, love and concern
 Packed by your mother or wife.

Vasant Khisty

Tiffin is half the meal we eat in our life and it is carried by a compact box which travels endlessly to satiate our hunger. These are small thing with most importance who have contributed in our journey of life .

Invisible daughter

 A song for my invisible daughter. Beautiful child how do you look, i dont care. I care for the unexpressed love you share.  Oh what you are...